I woke later than I had hoped this morning. 10:30 am (morning sickness being treated with Unisom Sleep Gels, I have a good excuse). No big deal. After eating cereal and while the kids were entertaining themselves with "Veggie Tales" I went to my computer to check my emails. I got 10 responses about my pregnancy announcement and blog introduction. I got teary reading all of your supportive words. How much easier this is going to be with support from others.
Then I got down to business searching for wedding photos to use for my soon-to-be-updated website. That's when it got tough. I discovered how few photos I have of any weddings, and the ones I have seem dated and simply not good enough. How disappointing. My stomach began to get a hollow, sort of pulling feeling in it. My heart began to race. My inner voice is criticizing myself about the neglect I've given to my business. I pressed on regardless and ended with 15 photos instead of 30. Now I feel overwhelmed, my goal to get good photos will be much more effort than I had hoped.
I moved onto pulling photos for displaying in our home. I found several that I loved. But the anxious feeling only got worse as I thought about how many other photos will be left unused, how getting prints done and deciding how to display them will be a task.
Now I'm in tears... The distance and time of commitment to focus frightens me. My body feels overwhelming anxiety. I can hardly breathe. My heart is racing, my hands are shaking. I want to run away, curl up into fetal position and cry. What's wrong with me?! How pathetic that my own mind can turn a trivial task into a life or death feeling! I'm humiliated at my lack of strength. Go ahead, make your judgments. I deserve them. Stupid, stupid me.
Nevertheless, I'm going to stay the course in hopes it will heal me in the future.
Here are some photos that I really love for displaying at home.

I almost forgot, I need to make plans for tomorrow (and that makes me even more sick to face).
GOAL FOR TOMORROW: (????... breathe... it's okay, just make it simple... cry if you need to... you'll come up with something good... do I continue with my last goal or start on a new one and get back to the other later??!!!... breathe... it's going to be okay...)
1:00pm: Pull more pictures for home display.
1:30pm: Send out email offering free portrait sittings.
2:00pm: blog about it.