Sunday, June 13, 2010

DAY 3- never mind

Who am I kidding? I am not setting any extra goals for Sunday. Sunday needs to be a day of rest and that's exactly what I'm going to do with it. If I so happen to get the urge to sew or whatever, I'll do it at my own leisure without any expectations... and right now, I don't feel like doing anything but play Tetris. So, I'm off...

GOAL FOR TOMORROW: Business cards. I've had 2 requests for business cards this month and ran out of the. So it's time to reorder and maybe do some redesign before I do.
Afternoon: Design cards, order, then blog about it.


  1. I haven't been on the computer for a couple of days, but resting on the Sabbath sounds like a WONDERFUL idea. Yep. Recharge. I loved Diane's advice. When I was pregnant with Ashley and going through all of Brian's stuff, I felt guided to hypnobirthing--excellent relaxation techniques for when you are pregnant and for life in general. I still use the techniques quite often. Just google "hypnobirthing" if you're interested.

    Great pictures, by the way. You are SO VERY talented in every way. Lazy is the one of the last words on earth I would use to describe you--right up there next to morbidly obese. One step at a foot in front of the're one step closer to your goal than you were yesterday. I'm celebrating with you!

    I really mean it, Emily. You are a magnificent person. If you aren't, I'm really in trouble.
    My goal for tomorrow: buy some pork spareribs at Ream's (yeah, they're having a really good sell) and if I'm feeling really ambitious, I may take a shower. Not only are you outstanding all by yourself, but look how much you accomplish when put next to your cousin :).

  2. Emily - I love this blog idea! You are always a creative inspiration to me! If I lived closer to you, I'd definately let you use our fam to create something with - we couldn't go wrong with your talent and a free shoot! OH - by the way, our wedding photos STINK, and our 10 year is coming up - so we should seriously plan a reunion in Seattle and re-create our wedding day with you as a REAL photographer! That would be awesome! (if only I wasn't 4months prego and could still fit into my wedding dress!)
