Wednesday, June 30, 2010

DAY 20- Great Grandma

Jim's Grandma turns 93 today. We went to her party this afternoon. I had a picture from my camera that my sister-in-law requested to print up for Grandma McCrea as a gift. It's of the entire Parker Family (Jim's side) which was taken a month ago at our nephew's high school graduation party. His friend took the shot with my camera so I could be in the picture. There were problems with the image. Feet were cut off (that's not okay with me), to crop it for an 8x10 it would cut too close to the people on the sides, our niece was missing from the group, and to top it all off I was completely dissatisfied with how my shirt looked in the picture (oh, the vanity!)... so yes, I did some editing... about an hour's worth.
Here's the shot after my corruption of the "real" image. (Mary was added from another photo that I took of her about a year ago. She's the one in the top row in the middle... and yes, there really was a gap for her, thank goodness!)

I didn't save a copy of the original image, but here's a close duplicate to it:

GOAL FOR TOMORROW: Put away that darned laundry.


  1. Pretty amazing what you can do with photographs, Emily. I feel pretty good to know how to mark the box on the processing envelope when I take my stuff to WalMart. To me, you are pure genius. I hope things are going well for you and that summer is at a dull roar for you right now. Love you!

  2. awesome. you wouldn't even know if you didn't say anything. what a beautiful family!
